Our Steven Greil and Gordon Lightfoot backstage at his Vandy concert
One of my favorite concerts during the years I was at Vanderbilt was Gordon Lightfoot's performance at Memorial Gym. I can't remember exactly when it was (can you?), but I think he came to campus during the second semester of our junior year.
I have always loved his music and his songs. Remembering back, here's one of my favorites, and one of his biggest commercial hits: "If You Could Read My Mind", from what looks to be a recent TV appearance celebrating "Canada Day" in his native land......
Gordon Lightfoot is a true folk singer, and many of his songs tell stories based on actual events, such as another favorite of mine: "The Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald"....
If you have any memories or thoughts you'd like to share concerning the Gordon Lightfoot concert while we were at Vandy, or any of the concerts you saw, on or off-campus, while you were in school, please feel free to click on the comments link below and leave them with us.
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